Fire Risk Assessments


What is a fire risk assessment?

The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 (RRFSO) came into effect in October 2006 replacing previous legislation and safety laws, the RRFSO states that the responsible person must make a ‘suitable and sufficient’ assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed for the purpose of identifying the measures they need to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on them by the Order.

The nature of the assessment will vary according to the type and use of the premises, the persons who use or may use the premises, and the risks associated with that use. A risk assessment should be reviewed regularly by the responsible person to keep it up to date, valid and to reflect any significant changes that may have taken place.

The RRFSO contains a requirement to record the “prescribed information” if five or more persons are employed in order to maintain consistency with health and safety legislation.

The prescribed information comprises the significant findings of the risk assessment (including the measures taken or to be taken, e.g. training and maintenance, consultation and co-ordination) and any group of persons identified as being especially at risk.

Under the RRFSO, the threshold of five or more persons includes those employees who may work from or in another place away from the premises concerned, for example an employer with three shops, each of which has two staff would employ six people and thus be under a duty to record the risk assessment for each shop.

How do I choose a Fire Risk Assessor?

It is the responsibility of the ‘Responsible Person’ to ensure that the fire Risk assessment that is carried out on their property is ‘Suitable and Sufficient’ in accordance with the RRFSO. There are varying complexities to buildings, and this should be reflected when selecting a competent assessor to complete an FRA.

All MGR assessors are third party accredited under the BAFE SP 205 Life Safety Scheme and are regularly audited to ensure that they remain current and compliant, MGR assessors complete all FRAs in line with the PAS 79 (2020) methodology which is the recognised Approved Code of Practice (ACOP).

In essence, by selecting MGR who are accredited under the BAFE SP 205 Scheme, you are meeting your legislative obligations in ensuring that the completed FRA is ‘Suitable and Sufficient’.

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MGR are a family run business providing fire safety consulting services across the whole of UK & Ireland, we operate at the forefront of current practice and stay in touch with all relevant regulatory and legislative changes in fire safety.
